Binding Arbitration
Effective Solutions From a Monmouth County Divorce Lawyer
When a couple doesn't see eye-to-eye on divorce terms, that doesn't necessarily mean they are bound for lengthy litigation overseen by a judge. There are a number of different options a couple can choose to use to resolve their differences outside a courtroom. Binding arbitration is one of these options.
In binding arbitration, a neutral third party is presented with each of party's arguments and makes a decision the couple must adhere to. Note that this isn't mediation—mediation still leaves the decision-making power with the couple. In arbitration, the arbitrator decides on disputed issues and allows the divorce process to move towards a resolution.
While it's not court, it is still important to present arbitrators with clear, concise, and structured arguments. This makes legal counsel for the couple so crucial, especially in binding arbitration, where the decisions rendered cannot be appealed. Contact The Law Office of Darren C. O'Toole, LLC to speak with a proven Monmouth County divorce attorney that can help you select an arbitrator and competently guide you through the arbitration process.
Why Choose Binding Arbitration?
Sometimes couples don't see the difference between an arbitrator and a judge—in both cases they're handing the decision-making power to a third party—but there are significant benefits for couples who choose arbitration.
Benefits of binding arbitration include:
Resolve Your Divorce Outside of Court
Disagreements during a divorce can feel hopeless and be hurtful, but that doesn't mean that your time, finances, and mental energy need to be further drained by a lengthy trial. Here at The Law Office of Darren C. O'Toole, LLC we've helped countless couples seek arbitration, move past their stalemate, and put their divorce behind them. We're ready to do the same for you and your disputes.
If you think that your divorce proceedings could benefit from binding arbitration, don't hesitate to contact one of our dedicated Monmouth County divorce attorneys today.